Drive design wheelchair

All-terrain, with motorised seat adjustment and steering system

HSR Enhanced Powered Wheelchair - A fine example of mechatronic engineering is demonstrated by the Cybathlon Team HSR Enhanced:

The development of a "Powered Wheelchair" that offers maximum agility and racing fun for the rider. The team won the gold medal with this at the Cybathlon 2016 & 2020 and they received the FUTUR Recognition Award 2017.

The customer's requirements included fast and barrier-free locomotion, e.g. over stairs, ramps and uneven surfaces, powerful drive components, optimal weight transfer and the rapid availability of the drive systems.

all-terrain wheelchair
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Drive technology

System characteristics

Key figures Brushless flat motor

  • External rotor
  • 24VDC, n1=4840rpm, M1=0.13Nm
  • Reinforced planetary gear 
  • i=216:1, eta=0.75
  • Output: n2=22rpm, M2=21Nm

Our commitment

  • Drive design
  • Gear motor for seat adjustment
  • Drive system for steering
  • Technical support
  • Short delivery times
  • Delivery of the drive system


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