Software development of a mobility concept

Mobility redefined in a networked world

Whilst the need for flexible mobility is steadily on the rise among the population, completely new options are also being developed in industry, including those brought about by the introduction of Industry 4.0.

The concept developed by our business unit "Software and Digitalisation" uses the advantages of networked communication to satisfy the need for more flexible mobility. By using modern means of communication, customers are thus able to hire vehicles and always keep control of the costs for this.

But not only the customer gains by networking a wide variety of systems, the provider also enjoys many benefits as a result. For instance, faulty and missing vehicles can be located by means of their GPS position, which is sent e.g. via a LoRa network.

Mobility concept
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System characteristics

In order to avoid malfunctions in critical system components, a condition monitoring system collects status information. This forms the basis for predictive maintenance, whereby defective system components are replaced, in the best case before their total failure. This saves unnecessary maintenance costs, but at the same time ensures that the system continues to operate.


When creating a concept for a secure and modern rental system for e-scooters, the following requirements were set:

  • Encrypted communication to the lock
  • Connection to a proprietary front end
  • GPS tracking of the e-scooters
  • Connection of further optional components
  • Building locking system 
  • Door control
  • Display screen

Advantages of networking

  • Traceability of all components in the system, up to the time of production (maintenance, repair, etc.)
  • Flexibility of the system through continuous update capability
  • Condition monitoring as a basis for predictive maintenance
  • Function of the system


  • Do not underestimate the possibilities of networking/digitisation
  • Consider the issue of security at an early stage
  • Assume that all components need updates
  • Consider exactly which data will be saved where (data protection law, ability to analyse)
  • Also consider the offline state (network failure)


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