Electric door operator

From development to series production

The smartdoor TURN is an intelligent swing door actuator which Antrimon Group AG developed for the company Gotthard 3 Mechatronic Solutions AG.

In addition to small installation space conditions and the control of a DC geared motor, the implementation of a self-learning control system was the challenge. The intelligent drive technology includes an auto-learning function that reproduces the ideal motion sequence for the low-energy operating mode, recognising the size and weight of the door and thus making commissioning child's play. 

If no safety sensors are connected, the door drive automatically switches to Low Energy mode and moves the swing door at reduced travel speeds in accordance with the safety requirements DIN 18650 and EN 16005.

The control unit has situational obstacle detection and is also immediately responsible for safe operation.

Swing door actuator
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smartdoor TURN - innovative and compact

The smart swing door operator is characterized by one of the smallest designs on the market, Bluetooth Smart and Low Energy operating mode. Find out more:

smartdoor TURN - innovative and compact

The smart swing door operator is characterized by one of the smallest designs on the market, Bluetooth Smart and Low Energy operating mode. Find out more:

smartdoor TURN
smartdoor TURN
smartdoor TURN - Clean Packages
smartdoor TURN - Clean Packages
Safety & security
Safety & security
smartdoor Service partner
smartdoor Service partner

System characteristics

  • Mechanical tumbler
  • Based on a mechanical locking system
  • Spring integrated in the gearbox
  • No permanent power application required
  • 30% slimmer than conventional automatic door openers
  • Standard mounting plate
  • Can be retrofitted in existing systems without any problems
  • Communication via Bluetooth Smart
  • Operation via app, Bluetooth and button
  • Drive technology with patent development
  • Software development
  • Software & design of the operating app
  • Development and production of the Bluetooth Low Energy module for all switch types
  • Development of unpowered closing torque in the approach range
Project management
Drive technology
Test lab


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