Precise interaction of mechanics, electronics and software to mechatronic systems
Precise interaction of mechanics, electronics and software to mechatronic systems
  1. Design
  2. Mechanics

Mechanics & Construction

The perfect solution in the development of functional individual parts, assemblies and complex overall systems is our goal. We turn your ideas into first-class products that successfully penetrate the market. In the comprehensive design process, we analyse the feasibility, consider the economic efficiency, and integrate the design. 

We support you in selecting the right material and suitable manufacturing processes - independent of raw material manufacturers and distributors. The resulting requirements are taken into account in the design and are carried out in close coordination with hardware development.

You have access to all specialist areas that are necessary for the development of mechatronic systems. The knowledge of our interdisciplinary teams is at your disposal. Comprehensive simulations and analytical optimisations round off the process.

Keine Bilder vorhanden
  • Methodical product development
  • Concept development and creation
  • Simulation and analytical optimization | FEM
  • Verification and validation
  • Gearbox dimensioning
  • Interface-oriented development 
  • Assembly- and production-oriented design
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Industrialisation and production of complete systems
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