
From development to series production

Premium e-scooters built from high-quality components, manufactured in Switzerland.

For the development, we were able to draw on our broad expertise in the development and design of HMI, battery management and drive systems for e-mobility within the group. This know-how resulted in an e-scooter, which is predestined for professional use due to its high-quality workmanship.

One of the many features is the brake force distribution for safe driving, which is unique in the world for an e-scooter. In addition, the trivanti has official road approval for Switzerland and is TÜV type-approved for the entire EU area.

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System characteristics

In addition to controlling a sensorless brushless gear motor with 400W, the electronics are also responsible for battery management. The control system was parameterised in such a way that a stepless regulation of the speed up to 20 km/h is possible and that the motor releases the mechanics for higher speeds when descending a slope.

With the holistic approach, we not only considered the drive technology side, but also approached the task holistically. What can be optimised and how can the greatest possible benefit be achieved for the customer? The focus was precisely on these aspects, which led us to optimally work out the individual needs.

  • Development of drive technology in our in-house laboratory
  • Design & development HMI
  • Battery management
  • BLDC motor up to 1000W
  • Maximum motor current 30A
  • Motor voltage regulation
  • BLDC block commutation
  • Start-up using Hall sensors
  • Sensorless operation by BEMF analysis
  • Motor current limitation
  • Speed limitation

trivanti E-Scooter - Convincing quality

Learn more about the unique benefits.

trivanti e-scooter
trivanti e-scooter
The technical data
The technical data
Swiss Quality
Swiss Quality


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