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FEM analysis of single-hung gearbox

Using computer simulation to calculate how a component behaves under certain stresses

In a toothed segment for the automatic star-delta motor protection switch of the company Widap AG, we checked the delay between the Y-Δ changeover using the finite element method. The analysis showed that the delay was caused by the gear with damper and that the closing Δ-contacts have increased burn-off due to a too slow closing speed.

With the FEM, we were able to provide the customer with a solution: Stronger damper, but only over half the travel, This causes the gearbox to unhinge and the closing speed is increased. Of course, the gearbox must re-engage when it is reset. This challenge could be met with a spring-loaded tooth segment.

FEM analysis gearbox
FEM analysis gearbox

System characteristics

Project management

  • Create requirements according to customer needs


  • Search for ideas for delayed Y-Δ switching
  • Reasoned selection of favourites with customer
  • CAD design
  • FEM design of the resilient tooth segment
  • Prototype procurement

Test lab

  • Validation of the simulation and use cases
  • Selection of the appropriate damper with regard to switching time


  • Construction of prototypes
  • Adaptation of production tools
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