Holistic product support
Holistic product support
Cost effective and sustainable

Product Life Cycle Management

  • Best possible service and flexibility over the entire product life cycle
  • Rolling monitoring and optimisation of quality and processes
  • Change management and support for change requests
  • Complaint management with short response times
  • Continuous improvement process (CIP)
  • User-proactive and -reactive obsolescence management
Product Life Cycle Management

For us, the product life cycle does not end with the market launch. In order for a complex mechatronic system to survive in the long term, constant improvements and further developments are essential.

At Antrimon, highly trained project managers provide individual support for your product and take full care of the products entrusted to them. From the first phase of the project, they are your direct and competent contacts for all matters and manage all product life cycle aspects. This simplifies communication, builds trust and creates continuity. Close cooperation also saves costs and time in any further or new development of an existing product, as in-depth product knowledge is already available.

We take over the technical support of systems and products during the entire product life cycle and support you in the further development of the product standard.

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